NR evolution and 5G advanced

- NR Release 16 provide additional enhancements on top of NR Rel 15 and mark the start of the NR evolution, an evolution that continues in the following releases.
- From release 18 and onwards, the name 5G Advanced will be used to highlight the significant enhancements compared to the first release of NR.
- On a high level, the enhancements can be grouped into two categories:
- Improvements of already existing features such as multi-antenna enhancements, carrier aggregation enhancements, mobility enhancements, and power-saving improvement.
- 2- New features addressing new deployment scenarios and verticals, for example integrated access and backhaul, support for unlicensed spectra, intelligent transportation systems, industrial IoT, and non-terrestrial networks (NTN).

Data Source:
- 5G Advanced The New Generation Wireless Access Technology - 3rd Edition